Friday, August 12, 2016


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Krishna's activities are extraordinary. Although appearing as an ordinary human being there is nothing ordinary about Him. What is really so extra ordinary is that His pure devotees realize His overwhelmingly powerful position and potencies but are not bewildered. Why? Because they not envious.

How great is that? To have a friend or a son or a lover who is so extraordinary, that all of creation and all living entities rest on Him. But not to have that loving relationship disturbed because of that.
That is what Krishna desires more than anything else.
Yes I am all powerful, all-knowing, the Supreme God of all that be.
But don't let that get in the way of seeing me as your son.

This is the marvelous transcendental reality revealed in Krishna Book chapter 30.
Vasudeva is such a great soul. He is on the level of Yudhishtira as far a being a ruler. To this day we are now receiving the benefits of the magnificent sacrifice he arranged for at the solar eclipse. The benefits are eternal. Because Krishna and Balarama were appearing there as his sons.

In chapter 30 Vasudeva tells Krishna in front of everyone that he knows He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He speaks the glories of Godhead perfectly in a long prayer offering. But the amazing thing is his relationship with Krishna as his son is not disturbed.

What is the secret of how this can be? Krishna tells Vasudeva.."My dear father, everyone, including Myself and My brother Balarama, as well as all the inhabitants of the city of Dvaraka and the whole cosmic manifestation, is exactly as you have already explained, but all of us are also qualitatively one."

The quantity of potencies are different. No one is greater than or equal to Krishna in that way. But qualitatively we are the same. For those who are non-envious Krishna consciousness is possible.

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