Friday, December 23, 2016


Like a ton of bricks. This hit me. I have been asking for a more personal realization of the the Supreme Personality of Godhead. and here is Tulsi devi...I have been worshiping Tulsi in a small garden and the plants are almost five years old and have grown very large. They are leaving now. So I am saving the wood for beads. 

I have been sorting the wood in different sizes and mixing the wood from the different plants in piles according to size. But yesterday when one of the plants had definitely left. I took the wood inside and prepared to process according to size but something extraordinary happened. 

She jumped out at me and said, "No. I want to be your japa beads and neck beads. You have worshiped me for five years. We have a relationship. I am not just another Tulsi tree. I am a specific Tulsi tree. Don't mix me all up with the other plants. You really shouldn't have mixed them all up like that either. But it is too late now. Keep my wood separate and let me give you shelter. Me. A specific tree." String my beads in the exact way they appear now.

"Oh Tulsi devi. I worship your form. You are saving me from impersonalism... formlessness."

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