Tuesday, May 31, 2016


The squirrel and the peahen.
Must have been a territorial thing?
Or maybe the squirrel was just "monkeying" around.
Or maybe something else was going on...
Every time the peahen tried to settle in to the soft spot next to Tulsi's garden that she had scooped out behind the ferns the squirrel dive bombed her from a nearby shrub.
It was a real stand off.
The squirrel was not going to let her get comfortable in her new nest.
Jumping on top of her from the branches of the shrub and then running away before she could peck her attacker with her sharp beak. She became very upset. And expanded her feathers into fighting mode. Puffing up her neck and strutting ready to strike. But to no avail.
Determined stance for combat...eyes locked in unblinking stare. Then the dive bomb. Maybe ten times.
Finally she was forced to abandon her new nest and head for the neighbor's yard.
The winner... the squirrel.
It's funny, she is the peahen who has been a problem lately in Tulsi's garden....jumping the fence and causing a lot of damage.
How did the squirrel know to chase Her away?
Was an ancient ancestor involved in making a bridge to Lanka?

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