Saturday, May 21, 2016


I think of the process of freeing up in stages. Like water that is blocked or dammed in certain ways. At first it is moving slowly, a little bit of something is freed... But then the water can flow a little faster and the force of that frees up a little something else. Then it moves even faster and with more force and a big chunk of something or other gets swept away, flushed out, till eventually the water is flowing very fast and even the really big pieces cannot remain.
If the blockages (attachments/bad/habits) are not maintained although the desire may still be lingering, then they are more easily washed away. This is the washing effect of the Mahamantra. Been through it with a number of specific unwanted blockages... So grow more and more hopeful everyday... washed clean eventually.

Meena Devi Dasi's photo.

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