Saturday, May 21, 2016


I'm intolerant. When someone attacks I just leave. I don't even try to communicate. They want to argue and spill all poisonous, noxious stuff everywhere and throw a big tantrum. They try to provoke me with foul language mixed in with Krishna consciousness and call me all sorts of names. And I don't even know them. I had one do that just recently on Google+ which I realized I don't ever use so I just deleted the entire account.
This man is yelling foul obscenities at me. How I am not serving Srila Prabhupada I am not absorbed in exposing sex scandals and child abuse to save ISKCON, blah blah blah. How I am a sheep. A blind follower and a bunch of other things...much worse...
Excuse me. What happened to mother?
This would happen occasionally on book distribution at the airport. I would be talking with someone to engage them in the service of accepting a book and giving a donation and someone would come up to us and start hurling abuse. This is of the devil, this is a lie, they just want your money... yada yada yada. The atmosphere would become contaminated with nastiness and the person would just want to leave..
One time I became so angry that a man was following me around and doing this to everyone I stopped to talk to that I dumped an entire basket of peppermint candy prasadam over his head. Amazingly hundreds of hands immediately appeared to gather all the candies and put them back in the basket. People left their seats to crawl around on the airport floor and pick up the mints. The basket was on the floor and they were all crawling around on the floor putting the mints in the basket. It was amazing.
The trouble maker left.

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