Saturday, May 21, 2016


I always wondered about holidays like Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, New Year, etc.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur discusses three types of festivals in "Sri Chaitanya Siksamrta," Part Two.
An holiday like Mother's Day falls into the third category..."There are also many social festivals....for public rejoicing."
"Festivals are of three types: those centered on deity worship, those centered on family affairs and those for public rejoicing. Deity festivals are often observed, and without doubt they generate punya, as they include a great gathering of people, feasting, musical performances, shows, food distribution of the needy, and giving gifts to the learned. If a person is capable of holding such festivals but
avoids to do so, he is an offender. Especially when these festivals are permeated with devotion to the Lord, they must not be avoided. There are many family occasions for festivals, such birthdays, feeding grains, marriage, and sraddha rites with sacrifices. A person is obliged to celebrate these functions to the best of his ability. A person should also sponsor fairs where the populace can gather for
enjoyment. There are also many social festivals such harvest festivals, pisthakotsava, sitalotsava, bhratrpuja."

Meena Devi Dasi's photo.

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