Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Meena Devi Dasi's photo.
The dental assistant from the Bahamas
Chatting... maybe some opportunity to say something about Krishna.
She had never been to a dentist until she was 17
and it was just for cleaning
She is 30 and has never had a cavity.
She is a dental assistant.
Very good one too.
She made the temporary crown.
Very good job
More Chatting.
I had a Teachings of Lord Chaitanya in the book bag...
But this is the heavy artillery.
Post graduate study.
But the book would not let go of my hand in the book bag.
So out it came.
I offered to hand it to her.
She took at.
There was Pancatattva
She was looking at Pancatattva.
"What is this?"
I said loudly, announcing the presence of the Lord,
"Lord Chaitanya, the golden Avatar!"
Then more softly,
"Later when you have a chance take a look...spiritual."
"I'll take a look."

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