Sunday, December 13, 2015


I was considering how offering food to the Lord before eating is recommended. If it is offered with love and devotion then Krishna says He will accept it. I don't have love and devotion, only a faint desire to have love and devotion so I offer to my spiritual master who does have love and devotion for Krishna and He sees to it that the offering is accepted by Krishna.

I open a jar of peanuts and offer it to Srila Prabhupada. Or peel a banana and offer it to Srila Prabhupada. And take the offered food and eat. That's good.

But actually cooking a preparation is even better. All the time and effort that goes into making things that Krishna likes. Standing for an hour or so stirring a pot of sweet rice. Not thinking, "Mmm I love sweet rice... can hardly wait until this is offered so I can enjoy it." But thinking, "Let me prepare this nicely for Krishna." With each stir of the spoon thinking. "This is for Krishna." And even if I don't get to taste the offered sweet rice and it is distributed to others what is the loss? If the whole time I am thinking, "Krishna, Krishna, Krishna."

If I am chanting japa and thinking, "This is for serving Krishna." Not, "How can I somehow take advantage of this chanting? Maybe I can become very powerful or rich."

I am chanting so many times the Names... Krishna, Rama and Hare... But I have no love and devotion for Krishna, Rama and Hare. I am chanting a certain number of rounds as prescribed by my spiritual master who does have love and devotion for Krishna, Rama and Hare... 2 or 3 hours of chanting.

Like making sweet rice for Krishna.

Actually all I can do is echo. My heart is like a deep dark well. Srila Prabhupada has called down into this well "Hare Krishna" and all I can do is echo back "Hare Krishna."

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna.... Krishna Krishna.... Hare Hare.... Hare Rama Hare Rama.... Rama Rama.... Hare Hare.....

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