Sunday, January 24, 2016


Devotee comment:
Cows are the most important animals on this planet!
Many times Christians who like eating dead animals,
ask us "why do you Hindus worship cow?
They live just so we have something to eat! It is their purpose in life! 
To live and give us their meat."
For many years I did not know what to say to them but,
"God loves all animals, so love the animal that is closest to you".
Few years ago I would start saying "Lord Krishna loves cows, so do we."
But few days ago thanks to Meena Devi Dasi mataji,
I watched a youtube video about the importance of cow herding.
Mind blowing! Cows make earth productive with crops and grass and water! Amazing! Without cows the land turns to desert in just a few years!
Meena Devi Dasi:
Glad that helped.
Those who are cultivating spiritual life intuitively know
killing and eating animals is horrible.
But the vast majority of people who are not yet desiring
spiritual advancement don't feel anything.
So having this practical problem placed before them
gets things going in the right direction.
A lot of people are aware of this problem now
just in this practical observable sense.
Krishna has appeared to stop all this.
When people really get the cow and bull connection
it's going to be huge leap forward for the world.
It's a good thing these times we are living in are being well-documented
because in the future people will not be able
to relate to the depravity that is now.
It will look so bizarre to them. Hare Krishna.

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