Saturday, January 23, 2016


Myself and another mataji had been collecting donations and distributing books inside Sun Valley Mall, CA, during a Christmas marathon in the mid 80's when were apprehended by three guards.
They were very insistent that we leave and escorted us to the exit
and remained watching us until we got into our vehicle.
Usually when were told to leave a place we would wait a little while
and then go back in and let them kick us out again.
But this time the guards were very firm and made it known
we would be arrested if we came back in.
So we started to drive away.
As I looked back to see the three guards I had to do a double-take.
The three figures looked like Jagannatha, Subhadra and Balarama.
Two men and one short lady standing between them.
I really did have to rub my eyes.
We reluctantly left and spent the rest of the evening at Toysarus parking lot.
The next morning there were front page headlines....
"Four-passenger private plane crashes into roof of Sun Valley Mall."
The people in the plane died. It was an horrible accident.
The plane crashed through the roof just above the Santa Claus exhibit
in the center of the mall... showering burning dripping plastic over everyone.
I looked at the time of the accident... 8:45 pm.
We were forced to leave at 8:30 pm.
Oh Krishna...

A twin-engine light plane crashed into the middle of a big shopping mall jammed with thousands of shoppers…

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