Monday, July 18, 2016


Is anger ever okay?
If so when?
I was chanting and chanting and chanting, three hours...
then I opened the mail
and there was a violation notice about the grass.
It is ongoing with the gardeners
So this time I had put a sign
"No service" but it was for the flower beds
but they just skipped the house altogether.
The Home Association immediately sent me a violation.
The man the who answers the phone
at the association makes things very difficult.
He makes up for his lack of intelligence with arrogance and conceit.
The perfection of what not to do as a customer service rep....
Make the customer upset instead of helping to find a solution.
I have had to talk to him before. It's always the same.
He purposely makes any situation into a confrontation
I became very, very angry and wrote a letter complaining about him to the manager.
Is that "wrong" for a "devotee" to do?
Should I just tolerate his abuse, smile and chant Hare Krishna?
(I'd been reading the fight between Krishna and Banasura...
maybe I shouldn't read the fighting pastimes)

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