Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Sometimes someone will comment on a post
and I just have to repost the exchange.
Thank you for the sincere comments
especially the ones I can tear into.
This was in response to a post about how Arjuna was offered
the science of machinery and refused it.
The devotee posted the photo of a huge snow plow
(oh wait maybe that's a train... oh well same idea..
pushing snow/lugging goods) to show how machines are good...
and I am wrong and possibly antiquated for my stance.
Devotee comment:
pamho, love(d) mechanics !
Meena Devi Dasi Yeah there's always someone
who will "tout the glories" of machines.
To push snow around do you have any idea
how many people's lives are affected
in order to produce that stupid machine?
(Oh maybe that's a train in the picture... still same thing)
Working in dungeon factories, for a few dollars
so the owners and corporate executives
can live high on the hog and lord it over everyone else?
How that kind of industry affects the environment...
really tracing it to its roots that type of industrial activity
on the large scale that it is today is part of the cause
for the huge snow storms to begin with.
What to speak of the consciousness of conquering nature...
Rather than living in harmony with nature...
that exploitative, conquering consciousness
spilling over into every other human endeavor.
Sure it takes intelligence to make something like that,
it also takes intelligence to rob a bank.
BTW thanks for comment.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy
but the real Krishna conscious society is agricultural
not industrial.
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