Friday, November 20, 2015


What was that about turning orange from eating a lot of papayas?
Would you trust someone that looks like this?
(I can't wear tilak yet, eye surgery last week. Nothing can be put on my face yet.)
Great day at the nursing home..
Jaya Sri Krishna Chaitanya.
Sankirtana can be done anywhere, anytime in any situation. Time of death here I come....Hari Hari bol.. 

Meena Devi Dasi's photo.
Dad (96) was tired, sitting in a chair in a quiet part of the hallway. He would be awake and mumble half a sentence and then doze off.
The radio was blaring throughout the building. Much too loud.
I only wanted to remember Krishna, not save the world.
I started singing the Mantra with the material moded-out "music" playing in the background with the same melody and beat as the material music but Hare Krishna. I couldn't fight the situation and I couldn't stop it. My senses were being bombarded with driving primal scream vibrations and lyrics that conjured up sex, sex, sex. "All night baby." Not particularly appropriate for a nursing home but the workers play stuff like that sometimes. I think for their own "sanity." It's music they like on a Friday night.
Pretty soon the hallway started filling up with people. Sitting next to my semi-conscious father ( he doesn't like Hare Krishna) clapping and singing kirtan as the seniors all with dementia and Alzheimer walked back and forth in front of us. They pace the hallways all day.
I had some books. I put them on a chair and there I was with a book table and Hari nam.
It was ecstatic.
They would stop and say some nonsense. I can never understand what any of them are saying. But the tone of their words is friendly and they are telling me something very important that is certainly going to help me.
Clapping and chanting the maha mantra... they would stop put their ear towards my face so they could better hear. I could see light in their eyes and energy flow through their faces and bodies as they heard attentively. Hare Krishna.
Even my father woke from his semi-slumber state and was very blissful. The nurses and nurses aides were blissful.
it was ecstatic.
I wasn't trying to save everyone. I was just trying to find Krishna in a difficult situation.
One nurse's aide was calling out someone's name trying to find them. From inside a room a response... "I'm here."

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