Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Devarsirat Das: The symptom of a materialistic atheist are that he won't accept being controlled. He blames his dilemma on God by saying there is no God.
Its a really hard thing to accept when we are in such a physical dilemma, that we are entirely responsible ourselves. In moments of ignorance we have caused pain and suffering to others and now we reap the results. Oh we are so good, so charitable, so kind so innocent and yet everyday we condone all the activities in slaughterhouses so we can eat the flesh of innocent animals.
Who knows what we have done in previous life's? and yet we continue with such activities as if it is nothing and when we receive the reactions, we blame God we like to point fingers...its him not me...I never hurt anybody. But our suffering is no accident.
We see the laws of nature working and say there is no law maker. We absolutely refuse to surrender and insist to carry on as usual. We want to be free to do whatever we want, even enjoy at the expense of other life's and not be punished either. We want our pudding and eat it. What can you do?
My reply:
Well said, earning the conditioned soul the titles of "fools and rascals"

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