Monday, November 30, 2015


Taking birth,,,
We don't come into this world with a clean slate.
We are carrying the seeds of karmic reactions from countless lives
We are born into debt
Debts to the parents
Debts to sages who leave teachings for our welfare
Debts to the demigods for supplying the basic needs of the body
Debts to other species, animals, plants, insects...
for all the services and fruits they supply.
Debts to the government
Yes, a lot of debts... just by taking birth
We have have birth rights
We inherit the property of our parents.
We inherit the social status
We have a right to education and training
But the most valuable birth right
is the right to perfect our life.
The right to become Krishna conscious
And return home... back to Godhead.
We just have to claim it.
Dhrtarastra felt cheated out of his birth right
due to his physical limitation of blindness.
The right to become the king.
That was his birth right.
He was the eldest son
and he wanted to pass a kingdom
to his son, Duryadhona.
He felt cheated out of his birth right.
Dhrtarastra and Duryadhona failed to claim
their most valuable birth right.

1 comment:

  1. It is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. In the illusory energy in the process of paying off old karmic debts we incur new karmic debts. Stumbling around in the darkness.. This one light switch.. Hare Krishna...when received from a pure source... stops that immediately...
