Saturday, November 21, 2015


Devotee comment:
The Vedas don't speak of race the same way we use it today. It was either a reference to family or species. There is but one race and since we are all human I don't understand how there could be any so called racial purity. Even within the immediate families of people we read about in the scriptures we find different colors. Why do we see black deities in Indian theology? It's because ethnically they are one people. So race as we see it wasn't a factor and these different bodies coexisted under a common creed, usually a dynastic one. But one could also argue that parents literally gave birth to different colored babies. It still happens today.
I just point this out because we have to be careful. The science and the sastric evidence is clear. This racial non-sense we are dealing with today is not a result of miscegenation. It's a fear of karma exacting just payment for crimes committed under the influence of Maya.
My reply:
This is a good point. The marriages were arranged according to astrology and keeping the castes stabilized. In other words Brahmans married Brahmans, Kshatriyas married Kshatriyas, etc. The castes were known by the quality of work which was preserved by keeping the families lines. Doesn't refer to anything else really. Quality of work was preserved by this system of marriage, which meant training for the children to carry on... the king of such and such nation would offer his daughter to a prince of another nation. It's safe to say there was a considerable distance between the nations which means climate may have been a little different, customs even the appearance of the people may have had some differences. What we would call racial features today. So these marriages were made along caste lines. Thank you. That helps a lot.

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