Saturday, July 8, 2017


Wow! Why do You let me see these things? And not only see them but feel the thrill of amazement at seeing them. Are You revealing Yourself little bit little bit?

Waiting at the bank for someone at a desk. All the seats are filled on a Friday afternoon. I am standing. One gentleman offered a seat but I preferred to stand. I had been sitting all day.

The bank workers have been working together for a long time. They are a very pleasant and well-seasoned team. I am thinking about groups.The workers at the bank are united around their service. Banking... and those of us waiting in the chairs are also united. We are a more temporary group of people. We are the waiters.They are a group and we are a group. 

There are these kinds of groups everywhere. For all sorts of things. Some groups are very long term like family groups. Some are very large like a nations. Some are very short lived and temporary like people all waiting in a line.

We travel in and of all sorts of groups constantly. None of the groups are permanent even the long term ones. They are built on activities within the material energy.

But there is another environment. There are groups there and activities but they are eternal. Hard to picture it from here. Going in and out of groups that are eternal. Eternal forms. That don't end. That can always be accessed.
Hare Krishna

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