Saturday, February 18, 2017


My very favorite!!! This demon Pralambasura tried to steal Lord Balarama in order to kill Him. He was afraid to actually try to kill Lord Krishna so he decided to kidnap Lord Balarama who is the servitor godhead in the mood of brotherly friendship. The spiritual master is an incarnation of servitor godhead. This is the business of the demons. To attack Lord Krishna and His empowered servants and associate.

Pralambasura disguised himself to appear as if he were a cowherd boyfriend of Krishna. Srila Prabhupada explains, " Actually, all these boys were demigods descended from higher planets to assist Kṛṣṇa in His pastimes." KB 1.18 Lord Krishna knew Pralambasura was not a demigod... that he was actually a demon come to attack and kill Him and Balarama.

They began a mock fight and the losing team had to carry the winners on their backs. Children play games similar to this game even now. Pralambasura carried Balarama and ran away with Him off into the forest in order to kill Him in a lonely place. 

Of course the plan did not work. Balarama smacked a good one on Pralambasura's head and that was the end of Prambhasura. 

The boys were astounded to see the real ghastly form of the demon, so-called cowherd boy 

"... the demon's body expanding up to the limits of the clouds, his eyes dazzling like blazing fire and his mouth flashing with sharpened teeth." now lying dead with his head smashed by the powerful fist of Lord Balarama.

"Well done, well done." All of them began to embrace Balarāma with great affection, thinking that He had returned from death, and they offered their blessings and congratulations."

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