Saturday, February 18, 2017


While everyone is celebrating all their victories, successes and prosperity. I am very happy for you. But I prefer to struggle. I am not interested in prosperity. Family. Friends or anything else.
I'm funny that way. When these things approach I say, "Shoo Shoo, Go away. You are not attractive to me." I would rather suffer and be forced to think of Lord Krishna than to enjoy so many amenities and become complacent.

I remembered one incident that I have not considered for a long time. In San Francisco after Srila Prabhupada disappeared and all the intense confusion, chaos, was enveloping everything I tried to hang on to the one service I felt confident of. Book distribution. Srila Prabhupada's books. This must have been around 1990. I didn't know anything about book changes then. 

I would go out for a few days or weeks at a time by myself in my van and just distribute books all day. I had small books, Beyond Birth and Death, the Reincarnation book and some Higher taste cookbooks. I was immersed. All day everyday. I ate dried fruit and yogurt, chanted, read Bhagavatam and distributed the books.I truly believed in the service. 

"Please take one of these books and give a donation. Whatever you can offer. They help us understand our relationsjhip with God a little bit better."

One time after two weeks I came back with a big bag of laksmi. There was paper currency in the bag but mostly it was coins. It was very big, maybe $500. I must have approached every man woman and child within a hundred mile radius on behalf of Srila Prabhupada. I was so happy to have that to offer. I entered the treasurer's office and put the bag before them on their desk. They looked up and said, "What's this? We don't want this. All coins. What a nuisance."

 Image may contain: 1 person

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