Tuesday, March 12, 2013


"Is it any wonder there are not long lines for darshan? Who is willing to have their false sense of self ground into dust? That false self that they have lied for, stolen for and killed for."
When that false sense of self dies along with it all the sins committed while in it die with it. How does this happen? By the Mercy of God. And what is that Mercy of God? The acceptance of His Pure Son. His Pure Messenger. His Pure Devotee.
The real meaning of the laws is revealed in Him.
Perhaps laws really are meant to be broken.
Who in this world can follow everything perfectly? And even if someone did, would they ever achieve love of God in that way? Or would they simply become proud and self righteous with heart hard as steel?
Or in seeing how far short they fall from keeping the Laws, which are set in stone, even though they may sincerely try, become open to hear of another set of Rules. The Rules that manage the affairs of the heart.
1. Love thy God with all thy heart soul and might and love thy neighbor as thy self.
2. Accept everything favorable for love and devotion to God and reject everything unfavorable.
Where love of God finds its highest perfection in Lawless Love.
The game changer is the Pure Devotee.

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