Saturday, December 19, 2015


Devotee Comment:
It really is difficult to conceive how SO many most low class people joined ISKCON and became it's leaders. We can understand that many have anarthas and humbly admit and deal with them the best way they can, not taking a leadership position. But we are talking about active child molesters and even murderers and many of their bodies having the congregation pay for their illegal illicit sex and violence, etc, demanding to be worshiped as good as Krishna!! One has to be ROTTEN to do that. It must be the unlimited mercy of Lord Caitanya for the most fallen. It sure is the mercy of Mahaprabhu, that we can also fulfil the desires of Srila Prabhupada, who said that our business, is to show who is not a sadhu.
Meena Devi Dasi:
This was the first batch of disciples. Under Srila Prabhupada's direct supervision they accomplished miracles. After His disappearance... well..... water seeks it's own level...

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