Sunday, December 20, 2015


Devotee Comment:
How it is that devotees do not depend on material things when primarily the form of teaching is through book distribution and online information as well as building temples...
Truly and surely a devotee is better with no thing upon which to depend...
Meena Devi Dasi:
My understanding is that
there are different levels to the word "depend."
One level is to depend and become attached
and see the "material thing" as absolutely vital.
The other level is to depend
because it is available and useful
at a particular time but ultimately
if it were not there it is not essential.
That is the difference in Krishna consciousness.
The material consciousness sees
the "material things" as essential...
like the materialist sees the material body as essential...
but the devotee sees the material body
as a temporary facility with which
to practice Krishna consciousness.
And that ultimately a material body is not at all necessary.
The devotee attains a spiritual body.

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