Saturday, January 18, 2014


Oh yes, I believe in God…
But really He’s imaginary.
Real? Actually a person?
Oh no. That's too much.
I can’t deal with that.

Oh yes, I love God.
He's beautiful. He's wonderful.
But He's not actually real.
He's a good idea
He's somewhere far away
And let Him stay there,
Far away.
To actually meet Him
face to face?
Oh no. That's too much.
I can’t deal with that.

What would happen to me if I met God?
I'd be obliterated. I'd be disintegrated. 
I'd be destroyed.
Oh no. That's too much.
I can’t deal with that.

No. He's not real. He can't be.
He's not a person. He can't be.
If He is, I don’t want to know about it.
Let Him stay far away.
I'll believe in Him.
But let him stay far away.
Let Him supply everything
and I'll say thank you.
But let Him stay far away.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Meena-
    Fear? Why? HE IS Personable. HE IS All. To be with HIM IS the highest of gifts. IT IS that gift that reminds us of our eternal position. Being part & parcel of HIS Love, Srimati Radharini, and realizing IT IS just as it is. IT IS this servant request that HE remove the fear and allow you to accept HIS gift of remembrance. My Heartfelt Love to you. Om tat sat.
