Monday, November 30, 2015


Intelligence as the sentinel..
1. a person or thing that watches or stands as if watching.
2. a soldier stationed as a guard to challenge all comers and prevent a surprise attack
Jaya and Vijaya we hear were the sentinels stationed at the gate to Vaikuntha. They became falsely proud of the position and offended the Kumaras. Great Vaishnava devotees of the Lord.
For their offenses they were forced to take birth in the material world. They chose three lifetimes as demons inimical to Krishna.
They still had their sentinel nature but now in the material world it was turned against Krishna. Instead of protecting Krishna they now were alert to destroy Krishna.
This is an insight into the what happens when we offend a Pure Devotee. The intelligence becomes contaminated and instead of being alert to always see how to protect Krishna consciousness the intelligence begins to see how to destroy Krishna consciousness.
Like a criminal sometimes has good use of intelligence. But it is misguided.

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