Stripping away the layers.
Is ritvik taking the form of disguised brahmanism? The leaders of the ritvik movement have made it a rule... "Indians only."
There is a very important essay written by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, "Brahmana and Vaisnava."
He has supported all of His statements with numerous sastric references.
At beginning of the creation of the universe the four varnas were created by Lord Brahma. The brahmanas came from his head, specifically his mouth, for the purpose of leading human society towards the goal of life. The line of brahmanas were perpetuated by birth. Something like the line of the royal families for management. This was the arrangement made by Lord Brahma. By birth one became a brahmana. Over time the purity of the brahminical seminal line became contaminated with mixed marriages. Therefore in the present age brahmana by birth is no longer valid. The ancestry cannot even be traced properly. Brahmana by birth is not a concoction it is just not possible right now. Along with ruling by line of descendants in royal families.
Other cultures also have a similar problem. Within Judaism it is essential for approaching their scripture, the Torah, that the family line be known. Either Cohen, or Levi or the other family lines.. etc. There are classes and distinctions according to birth. A priestly class by birth. But for them also these lines are not easily traceable. And there are contamination.
For those following the Vedic culture it is essential that there be brahmanas to perform the sacrifices and chant the mantras. But there are no brahmanas. Brahminical culture has been lost. That is why it is no longer possible to perform sacrifices or perform Deity worship as it was done in previous ages. It is not that it is not possible to perform these types of sacrifices simply because there are not the required resources, ghee, gold, etc. Although that is also a problem.. In the Age of Kali, kalau sudra sambhava. Everyone is a sudra (or less). More importantly, it is because there are no brahmanas.
Therefore, the only sacrifice recommended for this age is the sankirtan yajna. Anyone can take part.
Therefore, the only sacrifice recommended for this age is the sankirtan yajna. Anyone can take part.
Understanding this situation it is easier to see why the Indian devotees are inclined to exclusivity elitism. It is by birth that there are brahmanas according to the Vedas. But the blood lines have been broken in Kali yuga. It is a dilemma. Lord Chaitanya, the Lord Himself, has come to correct the problem.
The brahmana is created by Lord Brahma, the secondary creator. But the Vaishnava is created by the Lord Himself, the first creator... the creator of Lord Brahma.
The Vaishnava is greater than the brahmana. Vaishnava is not by birth. A Vaisnava can be found anywhere...even outside Vedic culture. The Vaishnava is someone who knows Krishna. Anyone who meets a Vaishanva can also become a Vaishnava. This circumvents the rigid and formal categorizations of a structured society. Such a society as we see in this Age of Kali becomes derailed from it's purpose, of directing human beings toward the goal of life, when the blood lines become contaminated.
By training and instruction of the spiritual master it is possible for someone to also become a brahmana. He can be recognized by his "quality if work." Brahmanas are very dear to Lord Krishna and for human society to function nicely they are necessary.
The Vaishnava under the direction of the Lord Himself gives the remedy. Here is the goal of life. Hare Krishna.
In this Age of Kali there is no other way... Take the Maha mantra.
Comment: "By blood only" is the same excuse as "living" guru. My guru is very alive thank you very much. JSP!
Comment: "By blood only" is the same excuse as "living" guru. My guru is very alive thank you very much. JSP!
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