Friday, November 20, 2015


Well, here's the thing.
Krishna is giving ISKCON to the Indians and they will pretty much exclude the Western devotees. Western devotees will be able to visit on Sunday and for festivals. Street sankirtan will disappear even more than it already has.
By not following Srila Prabhupada after His disappearance and assuming the role of gurus, unauthorized, and continuing to this day gurus who are unauthorized Krishna is taking the temples and the movement away from the Western disciples.
Right after Srila Prabhupada's disappearance the Indians in the Western countries were called upon to support the temples by writing checks. Which meant the temples became dependent on them. Whoever writes the checks has to be appeased so they will continue to write checks. Up to that time the temples were more or less supported by book distribution and selling "stuff on the street, in bars, at large crowd events, etc.
There was a householder class developing but they were discouraged and sent away. Sannyasi gurus and Indians writing checks and new disciples became the community. The base of Srila Prabhupada's householder disciples who were growing and maturing, starting businesses and raising families were abandoned. That developing householder group was the natural base forming. But it was uprooted in favor of Indians writing checks. It was lot of easier to milk the Indians and pep talk neophyte disciples..
Unfortunately these things have reactions. The reaction is that the movement now belongs to the Indians who write checks. Very shortly it will be Indians only. We have no service for you. You are not Indian.
Just what Srila Prabhupada had in mind. Right?

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