Saturday, September 28, 2013


Heinrich Emrich Here is another view on this: "Hearing and chanting ultimately are not processes exclusively intended to accomplish some goal. They are not a means to an end, they are an end in themselves. They are a spiritual experience that is a feeling, a love, and a harmonic resonance with the energy of the Divine Beings. Therefore sravanam-kirtanam are relevant at all stages of life.
     If a person has no feeling while hearing and chanting, then they are doing something wrong or they are so blocked or energetically distorted that they cannot resonate with the spiritual vibrations. In that case, they need to correct this deficiency to receive benefit from the spiritual practice. This is usually the case for extreme beginners after they pass the “honeymoon” period of initial bliss.
     I think the best course of action for blocked people is to find out the sources of their energetic distortions and work on them. This will improve their spiritual practices so they can experience the deep love and devotion that is bhakti."
~ Robert Campagnola (Hari, former Harikesha Swami)
Meena Devi Dasi Yes. Very nice. thank you.
     It can take time and requires patience as the blockages are exposed. Usually one at time in my experience. Once they are acknowledged they begin to dissolve. It can be somewhat painful and embarrassing for the false ego but that is what needs to happen. Like removing a thorn. I have found that having experienced this once and then realized what had happened I became enthusiastic for when it would happen again. I did not know what other "thorns" were there as I couldn't exactly identify them but in due course they became obvious one by one and the miracle of spiritual healing continued. and still continues. So I remain enthusiastic... okay what is next. Bring it on.. Let's get on with it. No time to waste. But still patience. When the time is right. All the while Hare Krishna mantra.
     Looking for good association, hearing the messages of Godhead from pure devotees, through their writings and whenever possible through their sincere followers. Like Rupa Goswami's nutshell instruction. "Accept everything favorable for devotional service, reject everything unfavorable."

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