Monday, July 18, 2016


A few of the campaigns against lila. There are many...
The only thing I have is my unexplainable, undeniable, irrational, emotional love for Srila Prabhupada which I find in His books. The unchanged after His departure books....errors, crude paintings, typos, "planet of trees," Hayagriva....and all.
I see there is a campaign to discredit these books. To find fault with them and those who have tasted the sweet nectar emanating from them due to the unearthly devotional energy that has produced them.
These people will never have access to lila.
In the same way there is a campaign to minimize the relationship with Srila Prabhupada of the "original" disciples of His Divine Grace by the ritviks. They say there are no "original' disciples. Everyone is a disciple.. whether Srila Prabhupada is here or not and the "original" disciples are blocking everyone else's access to Srila Prabhupada.
These people will never have access to lila.
There is another campaign this one comes from the disciples of the "successor" gurus. They acknowledge that there are original disciples but simply find fault with them. All they see is child abuse, theft, sannyassi fall downs, mismanagement of properties, funds and temples.
These people will never have access to lila.

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