Saturday, July 19, 2014


Invoking the blessings of Govinda Dasa Kaviraja:
I tried to make my home in the material world.
The wind came and blew my house away.

I tried to make another home.
My money was stolen leaving me penniless and in debt.
I lost my home

I tried to make another home.
My health failed and I was forced to leave.

Now I am shelter less.
Where will I go?
To make another home in the material world?
What is the use?

I tried to make a nice family for love and pleasure.
All my family members have died.
What was the use?

In the end I am alone and death is near for me too.
What is there to hold on to in the material world?
Even my own body is being taken away.

But still I think, “There is something of value,
something worth fighting for,
something worth trying to enjoy.”

I cannot help anyone.
I cannot even help myself.

I have to be forced in this way to take shelter at the Lotus Feet of Govinda, simply because every other shelter I have tried to take has failed.

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