Sunday, October 20, 2013


     Some people are so unfortunate. Because they are so overly attached to sense gratification, specifically sex they end up offending the Pure Devotee. Blinded. It is always very disturbing to meet them. They are full of poison and nonsense ideas that they have concocted in their minds. They are so unfortunate. They have the opportunity to actually get the Mercy of the Lord but they cannot recognize their good fortune.

     It's like the incident with Parvati, Lord Siva and the beggar (1). Parvati was insisting that Lord Siva give a beggar something. Lord Siva told her it would not make any difference because this particular beggar was so unfortunate he would not be able to utilize a gift. She insisted so Lord Siva put a large amount of money inside a watermelon and gave the melon to the beggar. The beggar thought, "What do I want with a melon? Let me sell it and get some paisa (like pennies). So that was his misfortune. He had the opportunity but could not take advantage of it. So these poor unfortunate people come into contact with Sri Krishna Chaitanya's sankirtana but they cannot take advantage.


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