Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Communication isn't always literal. The deeper meanings are sometimes in-between the lines, hidden from those who are not qualified to receive the messages. Not necessarily hidden on purpose, just that the nature of the message being delicate does not lend itself well to blatant exposure. Something gets lost in the brashness.

We see that saints, acaryas and enlightened teachers often try to communicate a delicate but essential truth by using parables and stories. Illustrations.

So too we may also in our dealings with each other paint pictures with words to try to communicate with others. Music, Art. Poetry.

Sometimes a slight bodily gesture conveys a world of meaning.

Once there was a young girl, Aryani. She loved animals and birds and all living things. At eleven years old her fascination with baby creatures kept her in rapt attention. One day Aryani found a small baby duckling that had wandered a distance from it's mother. The cuddly little yellow ball of feathers was irresistible to Aryani, she had to have this chicky as her very own pet.

Aryani couldn't get enough the chicky. Fondling it's soft little body and thrilling at the helpless little peeps it made. Wherever Aryani went the chicky was with her, in her pocket, in her sweater next to her body, sleeping in it's little cardboard box next to Aryani's head at night.

Aryani loved the chicky intensely.

Then the chicky died. Aryani had not quite seen to its basic needs, like food and water, what to speak of being with it's mother at such a young age.

Aryani was heartbrokern and cried and cried.

What we often mistake for love is really just our own sense pleasure that is somehow stimulated by someone  else. We really don't love the other person, we love the sensual and emotional feeling that we get when we are around them. Love means service. If Aryani had truly loved the chicky she would have served in such a way as to provide what the chicky wanted and needed. At least its basic needs for survival.

So it is safe to say Aryani loved the chicky to death. But what kind of love is that?

1 comment:

  1. We learn alot in life...bringing us to cry...we just have to go on forgiving each other in our blunders...please forgive me...
