Sunday, June 30, 2013


Ron Krumpos: Approaching the divine is often said to be similar to ascending a mountain or to descending into an ocean. In divine unity, there is no up or down, no metaphorical mountain or ocean, there simply 'is.' The dualities of this life are transcended in the oneness of eternal life.

Meena Devi Dasi: Yes the idea of climbing is not a very good one. It implies that on my own efforts I am reaching a spiritual goal. When in fact the exact opposite mentality is needed to actually make progress in spiritual life. Rather than "my endeavor" it is "surrender." I am not the owner of anything. I am completely dependent on the Supreme and the more I surrender to that dependence the stronger I actually become spiritually. Not that I lose my individuality, that I always have, but rather I am connected with my source, indeed the source of everyone and everything. Not that anyone is ever not connected, but the quality of the connection may vary. For the highest pleasure, we want the purest quality connection. This is the bhakti connection. Love and devotion...

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