Friday, December 23, 2016


Because there are people who do not have access to spiritual truths they see everything from a materialist perspective. The higher reality is not perceptible by them. That there is God, a Person, and worlds beyond this temporary world we are now experiencing. 

One problem I find with the teaching of Christ.. that is popularly presented... is that the soul is created when the body is created. It is a popular belief. That all the different forms of life we see, are created when those bodies are created. This allows for killing and eating other living entities without consideration. After all of what use are they except to serve my desires? God created them for that didn't He? 

But in Krishna consciousness we understand that the soul is eternal. it is never created and it can never be destroyed. The different life forms do not mean there are different types of souls in them. The souls are traveling throughout the species of life.

If you think about it... it makes no sense to say, someone becomes eternal. No one can "become" eternal. Eternal means always existing. No beginning. So it is not possible to become eternal. It is possible to be in forgetfulness of the eternal nature of the soul though.

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