Wednesday, April 20, 2016


(Accidentally hitting a squirrel in the road yesterday)
I'm still not over it. It wasn't just a squirrel. It is the whole way we live.
It was the Appearance Day of Lord Ramachandra.
And I thought... "Oh Krishna, there is the pastime
between Hanuman and the little squirrel." 
Hanuman was so powerful and using so much of his power
to build the bridge and the small insignificant squirrel
(some say spider...some say squirrel) was kicking
little pebbles into the ocean to help.
Hanuman pushed the squirrel aside... get out of the way...
Lord Ramachandra corrected Hanuman,
"His service is just as dear to me as yours."
I was driving thinking what I had to do was "so important"
and so I was going a bit too fast and the squirrel was in the way.
Not that I tried to push him out of the way,
but that is basically what it was. What I was doing was so important
that anything that got in the way was going to get wiped out.
It was an unconscious mind set.
I think these motor cars put us into that mind set.
We have so much power when we are driving. Too much.

Meena Devi Dasi's photo.

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