Today was the day. I couldn't put it off any longer. The seven avocado
trees that sprouted in the compost pile needed to find a home.
The compost pile is not out in the open any more since I purchased two plastic trash barrels, drilled a million holes in them and set them out back. While one is full and composting I can be filling the other. But before I bought the barrels the compost was just a pile outback and now there were seven avocado trees.
These aren't the first ones. I have been taking these avocado trees as they
have been appearing and planting them in areas around the city where there are patches
of un-manicured landscape. It is very built up here and there is hardly a crack
in a sidewalk for a wild plant to grow.
But there is a stretch of road with some woods on either side not too far
away. So I dug the trees up. Some of them as tall as my knee, filled a 5 gallon
plastic bucket with water to give them a little drink when in their new
locations and off we went.
I knew it was the right spot because there was an Suv parked off the side
of the road and some teenage boys with long hair were helping a giant turtle to
get off the road.
No surprise the wooded area had become a dump for used tires, buckets filled with all sorts of polluting stuff like paint, roof cement, varnish...there were
broken toys, beer cans, you name it. When those 5 gallon buckets deteriorate
they will release their poisonous contents into the wooded area. I felt so
sickened to see it. It was a mess. But I have no room for the trees where I
live, I already have 4 avocado trees. So I dug the holes.
Heading back to car to get the trees, carrying the shovel and two empty 5
gallon plastic buckets that I found… who should drive by? but... a policeman.
Just what I needed. A nosy policeman.
Sure enough he turned around and pulled up to where I was parked and wanted
to know what I was doing. He was pleasant enough. Very nice-looking young man.
I told him I found some plastic buckets that I can use in my garden. That I was
one of those everything-organic-people. And that the woods was filled with
junk. People were dumping everything and anything in there.
He seemed alright with that, but then he wanted know what was with the garden
shovel. So I just told him, “I have these lovely little trees and nowhere to
plant them. So I was going to plant them in the woods with the other trees.”
Of course he had to say, "You can’t just do that. Someone owns that property
and you can’t just transplant something there.”
I said, " Have you seen what’s going on in there? It's a dump. I just
want to plant a few little trees.”
He could see the craziness of it. But what could he do? Job security.
He asked me what kind of trees they were. The plastic tub was out of the
car now sitting on the ground in front of us.
“Avocado trees.”
His eyes got really big, “Really?”
“Yes, there must be seven different kinds. Some Haas and some Florida.”
He looked like he wanted them.
I said, "Do you want them?”
He said, “ Yes. I'll take them." He was smiling so big. “I have some land. I
can plant them. My girl friend loves avocados.”
It was really very funny. He was smiling so much. I was smiling so much. The
trees would now have a good home.
I called after him, “Rescued by the police.”
He answered back, “Yes, saving lives.”
I called back, “Yes, all life with my arms raised in the air.”
As we drove away, He tooted. I tooted back.
Krishna is so funny.