Saturday, July 8, 2017


Friends have so many good suggestions. Thank you. But my hands are tied. I am making note of the suggestions though for situations where it would be possible to try some of the natural remedies.
I can't do anything that even resembles a treatment. My father is under "professional care"... aka chemical treatment... They tell me what to do and what not to do.

Back in the hospital with another ambulance ride yesterday. This time, he fell on his head again. The ancient ones are almost all like this. Falling over. 

They kept him for 2 days to run tests. Mostly everyone was very very nice, but there was one who was really scary... The minute she walked into the room the funny music began playing and everything got that eery green color. Super tactless. I'm thinking on purpose, Some sick pleasure derived.

He's lying there feeling so weak. She announces loud for the whole world to hear all the way down the hallways... "They found hardened arteries and blockages... He is going to need hospice and palliative care." Then she leans into his face about an inch away and shouts, "Unless you want surgery. Do you want surgery?" He's like semi conscious. I couldn't believe it.
What a cruel nasty person to do that. She should have just taken me aside and explained quietly what was going on. There are some really scary people in hospitals. Anyway when I called back later no one there had any record of what she was talking about. Totally weird. They sent him home.

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