Meena Devi Dasi replies to Meera Panigrahi
We take association from those more advanced in devotional service, share friendship with those more or less on the same level of advancement as ourselves and give association to those less advanced. What I meant by "looking for good association" was trying to recognize those who are more advanced than ourselves so we can be helped along.
Meera Panigrahi Replies to Meera Panigrahi
Prakash Bagga replies to Meera Panigrahi
It is not easy for any human being to judge what is the right company for Bhaktee. There is an example SADNAA
(A Buthcher bt profession) happened to be true Bhakt of THE LORD PRABHu.
Meena Devi Dasi replies to Prakash Bagga
Yes. Sincerity is the only qualification. Bhakti is not confined to social restrictions.
Nice story to illustrate:
There was a brahman who liked to meditate and study and chant under a tree on a hill overlooking a main road with a lot of foot traffic to and from the market area. He would go there everyday for several hours. At the same time there was a woman who earned her livelihood by prostitution who used pass along the road below.
When the brahman would see her he would recoil in disgust. When she would see the brahman she would pray to the Lord how wonderful it was that there were pure people who were studying the Vedas and worshiping and serving God directly. And how unfortunate she was that by force of circumstance she had such a lowly life.
At the time of death the brahman did not go back Home back to Godhead but the prostitute did.
We will be able to recognize if we are sincere.
If a person is actually asleep he can be awakened. But if he is pretending to be asleep how will he be awakened? A person may pretend to be asleep because he doesn't really want to wake up.