Friday, May 31, 2013



"In the attitude of Rādhārāṇī, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu addressed the gopīs, " 'My dear friends, where is that Kṛṣṇa, Cupid personified, who has the effulgence of a kadamba flower, who is sweetness itself, the nectar of My eyes and mind, He who loosens the hair of the gopīs, who is the supreme source of transcendental bliss and My life and soul? Has He come before My eyes again?"  



"The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are surrendered to Me, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss enlightening one another and conversing about Me."  


"If one does not understand in the beginning but continues to hear again and again, the wonderful effects of Lord Chaitanya's pastimes will bring love for Kṛṣṇa. Gradually one will come to understand the loving affairs between Kṛṣṇa and the gopīs and other associates of Vṛndāvana. Everyone is advised to continue to hear over and over again in order to greatly benefit."


Any businessman knows that money is money and it doesn't matter in whose hands. To be successful in business it is the money that is the goal. Basically it comes down to that and of course there is ethics and integrity and all of that. But basically, it's the money.
It doesn't matter what the customer's background is, their hair color, their language or culture They will not be discriminated against for any of those things. They will not be discriminated against period because they have something the business man wants, money.
Everyone is welcome. Just bring your money.
And he will do whatever it takes. Service attitude, find out what you need and supply it, find out what you want and supply it, smile, accommodate this way and that way, bend over get your money.

Now look at the essence of this spiritually. I want love of God. Where will I find it. It is like the money. Everyone has the Lord in their heart. If I see everyone as a spiritual customer and not reject anyone for external reasons, differences, so called shortcomings in education or culture or physical strength, etc, but see everyone as having what I want...The Lord in the Heart, even if they are not aware of the value of what they have, if I can become as determined to get Love of God as a businessman is to get money... now what wealth and riches I will have!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013


If I am getting off track I get reminders. Like tonight. 
The sound quality on my microphone was not good so I was asked to not participate in sanga, just listen. I felt rejected.
I tried to adjust it, the software ran an update and restarted the system, meanwhile the session ended.

There was a message there that I needed. 

I needed to be reminded not to reject anyone because of their material condition...sickness or poverty or lack of education or culture or unattractive bodily features. These things are like the microphone with poor sound quality.

Immediately I felt relief from the heaviness I had struggled with for days. I had wondered what was the source of my burden and how I would be enlightened. 

Gentle ways, gentle loving teacher. The spirit of Love of God. I surrender to You. 

Monday, May 27, 2013



14. Something that obstructs; an obstacle.
16. Medicine Interruption or obstruction of a physiological function: nerve block.
17. Psychology A sudden cessation of speech or a thought process without an immediate observable cause, sometimes considered a consequence of repression. Also calledmental block.

We have blocks, all of us, some to a greater and some to a lesser degree. This is karma, the law of action and reaction. Very intricate. Insurmountable. 

Those situated in Pure Love of God are free. 

Just one instance (and a partial view at that) of how this works. 
From just one drop, the sea can be known.

I always understood what a deep and lasting experience my father had when he was a teenager, because all through his life he would tell the story over and over again. And now at 94 he tells it as often as he can. Repeating it and repeating it. 


The school nurse sent me home from school with chicken pox and 104 temperature. My step mother out me in a separate room and wouldn't give anything to eat  Later that night she came into the room and told me to go get a little fresh air. It was January in Massachusetts there was snow on the ground. I couldn't talk, or even hardly walk but she insisted I go outside for a while with no coat. I was there outside in the cold with the high fever and very sick, I looked at the starry sky, crisp and clear and asked God to take me. He answered me, not yet. This was in 1933. My step mother hated me and did many cruel things to me just short of actually killing me. 


On the other hand he tells about his natural mother who was a saint. She died of Rheumatic fever when he was 9 but she taught him everything he needed to know, cooking, sewing  how to take care of himself and promised to never leave him. She would always be right there on his shoulder.

Now he is living in a senior community. My mother has passed away but he has some social life and planned activities. His medical care is managed and he has all his meals in the restaurant style dining room. He has an apartment and big screen tv. He is relaxing and enjoying more or less, not alone, as the community is large active and people there are very friendly. It is safe there and very old people can move and interact with each other at their own unique pace which tends to be quite different from the rest of rat race world. 

He tells the story constantly.

There are some interesting ramifications. Now this is not something out of a text book analysis technique, This is just what I experienced and what I saw.

I was spending time with him a few weeks ago and noticed his voice sounded a little rough. He takes a lot of medications and they affect him in different ways so I didn't think too much about it. I asked him if he was okay. Was he sick? He said no. He was fine.

The next day I came down with what must have been the flu. 101 for a week, pains, chills, sweating, headache, etc., etc., etc. It took a full 2 weeks for the congestion, coughing and diarrhea to subside. 
It has always been extremely important to him not show any signs of sickness. Even he underwent triple bypass heart surgery and he was up and driving the car within a week. Didn't tell anyone he was going in for cancer surgery until 30 minutes before he had my mother drive him to hospital. 

When his step mother put him out in the cold as child he reacted by determination to never show any signs of illness ever again, so that no one could ever do anything like that to him. Sickness meant weakness and others would take advantage of him. He has actually been able to conquer sickness to a large degree by sheer will power. 

For him that was strength, not to admit to illness. But it is a block. It is may be strength for a child in an awkward situation but not for a mature adult who has responsibility.
Real strength would  be to acknowledge he is carrying a contagious virus and let others know not to get too close. Like me for instance. He wouldn't tell me and I caught the illness. He could have helped me avoid that. And who knows who else he may have contacted in the community that is now also sick.

It may be that somewhere deep inside where the bitterness and anger are still residing, there is the desire to get back at the stepmother. If he hadn't said anything as a child about being sick maybe she would have caught the disease. 

The hurt and angry little boy is clouding the judgement of the mature man.  

I am reminded of the miracles of Jesus. Healing the sick. The Pure Servant of God can free us from these blocks. I want my father to be free of this. Maybe I had to become sick to see it. I am reminded of Lazarus. The Son of God removed the block that kept the man entombed and Lazarus gained new life. 
My father is not unique. 


Sunday, May 26, 2013



There is no love without you.
There is no sun in the sky.

When you are near I can feel You
Make me laugh and make cry.

And it was all just a dream.
The darkness made me sleep.

But now I am awake and I'm floating...
Floating in an ocean of bliss.

And I always knew..
Life was really like this


There is no love without you.
There is no love without You.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Song to the acarya:

Where do I go? Who do I ask?
Where shall I find the higher path?

Wherever I look I see so many
Present themselves as the way

But they can't give what they don't have.
And they can't give what they don't own.

If I want love of God
I must find a devotee.

Who...when the Lord He proclaims
I will the same
Lord within my heart.

Hear His words let Them speak
Full of love.. full of life
the great relief.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


     While driving back and forth over the three or four blocks along my regular route to and from my father's senior retirement village in Florida, I noticed a lone piece of sod in the very center of a busy intersection. The drivers here in Boynton Beach are extremely impatient and always in a very great hurry, like red ants. They honk their horns at the slightest delay if the light turns green. A bit of a shock for me from the more or less courteous drivers in Tennessee, bumbling down the road with a dog or two in the back of a pick up truck.
     Somehow this lone clump of grass in the middle of the intersection plunked down on the hot asphalt was pleading to me to be rescued. Why I became so determined to rescue it was a bit of a puzzle to me. After all it is just a clump of grass. But I thought, the poor thing it must have fallen off one of the gardener's trucks. But this intersection was extremely busy and dangerous. A four-way traffic light with six lanes on all sides. And drivers like red ants.
     What to do? I tried to just forget about it. Silly me. Sentimental. But I had to drive by it several times for over a week and every time it rained, it appeared to be losing more and more of the dirt it must have had with it when it fell off the truck.
     I studied the intersection and tried to run out to get it. But it was way too dangerous. Then I thought, "I'll bet Sunday morning early there won't be so many cars. I have just the place for it near Tulsi devi in the back of the house."
     In the back of my mind I sensed Krishna was gong to show me something. But what? I couldn't imagine.
     I studied the intersection and devised a plan of how to dart out into the very center of the intersection  without getting hit by the cars.
     I saw my chance. Trowel and plastic tray in hand, looking like a complete lunatic I made a run for it, as much as I am running anywhere anymore in my late 60"s. There I was ready to rescue the living entity who had fallen into such misfortune. Trowel in hand I reached down to scoop the sod up to take it to its new home near Tulsi devi.
     To my great surprise the sod didn't want to go with me. I got the distinct impression that it became overcome with fear and anxiety at my presence. It was not at all as I had thought. He hadn't fallen off a truck. Actually there was a hole in the asphalt and the grass was very happy growing there. It was his home. He even had neighbors, some weeds of some sort or other. They were all living quite happily there in the middle of the intersection growing out of a hole in the pavement with cars whizzing by on all sides 24/7.
     I understood Krishna's lesson here and maybe, why I had to become so fixated on saving this clump of grass:
     First of all, I can not save anyone, not even a clump of grass. My so called efforts at saving someone are actually a disturbance.
     Second, my thinking about a situation and the way I may see something will be faulty. My perceptions are limited to my understand.
     Third, there is no loss in any endeavor even if it fails to achieve a certain result if it is done in devotion and with the intention of serving the Lord. The result of devotion to God is love of God and that does not depend on success or failure.
     Attempting the path of  Love of God makes one seem foolish sometimes and one's activities may not be understood by others. Silly or crazy. Oh well. I can only laugh. Love makes fools of us all. One way or another.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


     "There are six principles favorable to the execution of pure devotional service: (1) being enthusiastic, (2) endeavoring with confidence, (3) being patient, (4) acting according to regulative principles: hearing, chanting and remembering Kṛṣṇa, (5) abandoning the association of nondevotees, and (6) following in the footsteps of the previous ācāryas. These six principles undoubtedly assure the complete success of pure devotional service."

     In this verse AC Bhaktivedanta Swami discusses the importance of being enthusiastic, being confident and also being patient. Whatever anyone desires to do they must have enthusiasm to pursue the goal. How can anyone expect to reach their goal if they sit around and do nothing. Either hearing or chanting or worshiping or serving, there are nine processes of devotional service. 

     "1. hearing the name and glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
      2. chanting His glories
      3. remembering the Lord
      4. serving the Lord’s feet
      5. worshiping the Deity
      6. offering obeisances unto the Lord
      7. acting as the Lord’s servant
      8. making friends with the Lord
      9. surrendering oneself fully to the Lord"

(from the purport)

     Confidence must also be there as challenges present themselves. Without confidence we can be shaken from the path, bewildered or confused. Confident in the Mercy of the Lord. 
    But there also has to be patience and that is what I have been appreciating recently. 

     "One should not be impatient in Kṛṣṇa consciousness."  
(from the purport)

     Without patience I try to take matters into my own hands. Try to make things happen. I may be enthusiastic and also confident but without patience to wait for the Mercy of the Lord I try to take control of situations, persons, plans, etc. My intelligence become contaminated with false ego, "I know what needs to be done. I am sure this will work. Others are wrong, I am right. I look for allies for my plans, others are opponents, etc." 
     Devotional service is not accessible from the platform of false ego. Under the guidance of a realized spiritual master who is above false ego, "I and mine," a person in false ego can be directed if they are submissive and make progress. In that sense false ego is not a barrier to devotional service. 
     But when a contaminated person tries to go directly from false ego to devotional service there is sure be disturbance. None of their endeavors can bear the fruit of love and devotion since they have cut devotional service out of the picture at the onset by not waiting for the Mercy of the Lord. This is the trap of impatience. This is the meaning of discipline. To wait.
     Yes, controlling the senses by avoiding unnecessary indulgences is a type of discipline. Performing austerities like rising early and taking cold bath is a kind of discipline. Chanting a prescribed number of mantras on beads is discipline, avoiding sinful activities is discipline. But the essence of discipline is to wait for the Mercy of the Lord. 
     Let me not forget, the goal is Love of God. Not just Krishna consciousness, after all Kamsa was Krishna conscious and so was Putana. Their Krishna consciousness was not favorable to love and devotion. I want to approach Krishna with love and devotion. 
     Impatience is like running around at night with a flashlight trying to find the sun, but the sun will come up in it's own time in the morning. Impatience tends to find fault with others, somehow they are in the way of getting it done, whatever it is. Or they are inadequate in some way for the purpose. Too slow, or too talkative, or too demanding, too bossy.. or too whatever...yada, yada, yada...
     Hanuman displayed impatience when he was tossing mountain peaks into the sea to build the bridge for Lord Ramachandra and he arrogantly brushed aside the small creature who was kicking in little grains of sand to help. Lord Rama chastised Hanuman... no Hanuman his service is just as dear to me as yours... Why because of the love and devotion, not the size of the pebble or mountain peak. 
     Impatience means the mode of passion. Measuring results. But how is love measured? heart beats? sighs? sidelong glances? movements of the eyebrows? sleepless nights? peals of laughter?
     So what is the value of patience? How can I measure? I cannot because it is invaluable. I must have patience to be successful on the path of devotion. Patience is one of my helpers. I cannot brush this dear friend and helper to the side with impatience. 


Tuesday, May 14, 2013


  Translation: "I shall sing hymns and weave melodies, for my soul longs for You. My soul desires Your shelter, to know all Your mystery." The Rebbe taught this Niggun on Simchas Torah, 1961.   

     "...The conditioned living being has forgotten his eternal relationship with God and has mistakenly accepted the temporary place of his birth as all in all. The Lord has kindly delivered the above-mentioned scriptures in India and other scriptures in other countries to remind the forgetful human being that his home is not here in this material world. The living being is a spiritual entity, and he can be happy only by returning to his spiritual home."
     (Underline is mine.) From the purport by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami.
     Recently, I have had the good fortune to spent some time with my Jewish friends at their senior village during their Friday night worship session, Shabbas. The practice has been carried on in Jewish families through the generations for over 5000 years. At sundown Friday night the work week ends and the time for direct devotional service to the Lord begins. Two candles are lit and one of the ladies recites a short prayer to welcome the devotional spirit, Shabbas. Everyone takes a piece of bread and cup of grape juice or wine in thankfulness and prayers and songs are offered to the Lord. All day Saturday is set aside for devotional practices, praying, glorifying, chanting, singing, attending temple programs to hear from the Torah etc, and no work is to be performed. 
     The Jews honor Saturday as the Queen of Days. This practice is given to them by the Lord to keep them connected with Him. The Seventh-day Adventists, a Christian sect also recognize the significance of Saturday, Queen of Days. I never understood the value of Sabbath, either Jewish or Christian tradition. My thinking was, "Why not just always serve the Lord? Why just one day for God and the rest of the week who knows what?" Anyway that was my thinking.
     In our sanga with Gauraharidas (I can't say enough in appreciation of his sincere efforts to serve the mission of Lord Chaitanya purely and with love) we have been going into more depth of realization of Srimate Radharani, the Queen of Devotion. 
     Now looking at the Jewish practice of honoring the Queen of Days I am seeing things a little differently. Shabbas is the Lord's Day, yes, that is so, but even more so it is Radharani's special Day. It is not that the work week is disconnected from God. Actually a devotee in the Jewish tradition works all week for the Lord. But Saturday is a special Day, it is Radharani's Day. A Day of devotion only. No work. 
     When we accept that Krishna really is the Supreme Lord of all time, place and circumstance, of all peoples in the past, now and in the future, any sectarian views we harbor such as "My religion is better than your religion," My guru is better than your guru," yada.. yada.. yada..disappear. And we are allowed to relish the Absolute Truth everywhere all the time. How God is making arrangements for everyone one way or another in different cultures for the path back to Him. We are allowed to recognize the essence of Love of God. The spirit of Love God wherever and whenever that devotional potency is manifest. 
     This is a source of the greatest happiness and joy. 

Monday, May 13, 2013


Reading from Srimad Bhagavatam Canto3,Chapters 14 and 15

     Mother Diti had given birth to two inauspicious personalities due to her uncontrolled passion. However she is reassured by her husband Kasyapa that all is not lost since the Personality of Godhead Himself will kill them personally and thereby give them the highest benediction. One of her grandsons will be recognized as a great Pure Devotee of the Lord Prahlada Maharaja performing uncommon acts and showing all good qualities. 

   How is that? A Pure Devotee grandson? After all Diti has done the unthinkable!

"The learned Kaśyapa said: Because of your mind’s being polluted, because of defilement of the particular time, because of your negligence of my directions, and because of your being apathetic to the demigods, everything was inauspicious. SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM 3:14:38 (LINK)

 But Krishna promises: 

"Even if one commits the most abominable actions, if he is engaged in devotional service, he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated."

 In this next verse we see that Diti is a devotee. Because who else would be happy to know that her sons would be killed by God? 

"Diti said: It is very good that my sons will be magnanimously killed by the arms of the Personality of Godhead with His Sudarśana weapon. O my husband, may they never be killed by the wrath of the brāhmaṇa devotees."

Interesting to note that she is relieved to know that they will not be killed by the brahmins. Bhaktivendanta Swami explains this is because the Lord does not appear by the wrath of a brahmin but that to be killed directly by the Lord is a great benediction. It is a form of the Mercy of the Lord    
 So the time had come for Diti to give birth and sure enough the entire universe became filled with in-auspiciousness at the appearance of her sons. A great darkness expanded everywhere and then the entire universe became completely dark. This certainly alarmed the demigods on the higher planetary systems whose ability to perform their duties was suspended. They were frantic at not knowing what ill fortune might be arriving. The demigods approached the chief of the Demigods, Lord Brahma with their pleas for relief. 
     Now what solution did Lord Brahma have? Amass a great army? Form an investigating committee? Find an alternative source of energy and get the lights back on?
     No. His solution was to narrate the glories of the Pastimes of the Lord, His eternal abode, the Vaikuntha planets and the offenses of Jaya and Vijaya, the Lord's gatekeepers. How they had unnecessarily blocked Lord Brahma's four saintly sons from entering Vaikuntha mocking them for appearing like children and thereby committing an offense to devotees. Because of this they had taken birth as Diti's sons.
     Lord Brahma gives a most beautiful description of the Vaikuntha world. A world where everything and everyone is self-effulgent. There is no anxiety, fear or anger since there is no birth or death. There are lush forests and trees full of flower-bearing and fruit-bearing plants and trees. Their fragrances fill the air. Many varieties of songbirds. Everything and everyone is engaged in pleasing the Lord. There are unlimited goddesses of fortune whose bodily features are gorgeous being made more beautiful having been touched by the Lord.
     Lord Brahma laments that human beings who have the opportunity to hear these descriptions but do not and instead waste their time listening to talks of the temporary material world. He expresses his own desire to take birth as a human just so he can engage in such talks and thereby attain perfect religious truth and knowledge. 

     "Lord Brahmā said: My dear demigods, the human form of life is of such importance that we also desire to have such life, for in the human form one can attain perfect religious truth and knowledge. If one in this human form of life does not understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His abode, it is to be understood that he is very much affected by the influence of external nature." SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM 3:15:24 (LINK)

     The next verse is very significant. Lord Brahma continues: 

     "Persons whose bodily features change in ecstasy and who breathe heavily and perspire due to hearing the glories of the Lord are promoted to the kingdom of God, even though they do not care for meditation and other austerities. The kingdom of God is above the material universes, and it is desired by Brahmā and other demigods. SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM 3:15:25 (LINK)

As we learn later, Lord Brahma does indeed take birth as an human being and has the opportunity to become totally absorbed in glorification of the Lord. He appears as Haridas Thakur in Chaitanya lila. Chaitanya lila is extraordinary, in that, in this incarnation the Lord is distributing love of God and He himself is exhibiting ecstatic symptoms in the mood of His own devotee, Radharani.

     In this way, Lord Brahma's good fortune is realized.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


     In yesterday's sanga we read from Srimad Bhagavatam. Vidura meets Uddhava. Vidura had been on pilgrimage and had no news of Krishna or the Yadus. Uddhava has just come from Krishna who had left the planet along with the entire Yadu dynasty. 
     A most unusual thing happened when I was reading. I felt something. Not just studying from my head but feeling from my heart. Tears came when I read how Uddhava had been left alone and all the Yadus and Krishna were gone. And Vidura also was left behind and up to that point did not know what had happened. These were real people, devotees. I felt for them. I shuddered at the thought of Krishna and the Yadus leaving and the onset of Kali Yuga. These were not strangers. These were predecessors. We were related. I loved them.
     All day the next day I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. What I had felt for Vidura, Uddhava, Krishna, the Yadus.
     Someone honked their horn impatiently and cut in front of me and instead of getting angry like I might have done ordinarily, I thought about how the Yadus were sometimes proud and haughty. It was like that all day.
     But the doctor's office was surprising. I was like a crazy person. Not on purpose. I had no control over things. I like to be in control at least of my own behavior, but this was out of the question today. Today I was crazy.
     My voice was very deep and had a lot of force to it. I couldn't seem to show even the slightest conventional courtesy, like, "Hi, how are you?" I scared people. I could see it on their faces. I scared the doctor. I barked at him, not exactly like a dog, but I showed a kind of ferocious impatience with him, the nurses also and the staff behind the desks in the office. It was like I was a lion about to pounce on each of them. There was definitely an air of panic in the doctor's office. Should they call 911? But then I would laugh and smile calmly and they would settle down.    
     The people in the waiting room were alarmed also. I seemed to glare at them like I would grab them and shake them. They all looked at me at once and their eyes got big. All I could do was just try to get the appointment over with as best I could and get out of there.
     The odd thing is I felt very normal. To me they seemed bizarre. Stiff, artificial, lifeless. Made out of cardboard or something.
     In sanga later that evening I shared a little bit of what happened and Gaurahari prabhu mentioned something about a mask people wear. They present themselves a certain way, but it is just a mask.
Thinking about that, it was like I wanted to rip their masks off and they were frightened to have them removed.
     I did have a Bhagavatam with me and the doctor took the book and looked through it while looking at me waiting for the numbing agent to take effect on my hand so he could inject cortisone.
     He asked what the book was, Buddhist?
     I told him, "What I believe is that Love of God is the goal of life, it is not just butterflies and rainbows.  But by hearing and glorifying the Lord we develop love of Him.
     He was fine with that. But it was quite a day.
     Perhaps I am getting a little glimpse into the mood of Lord Chaitanya  "Where is Krishna?" is not like asking, "Where is the coke machine?" Where is Krishna is a kind of transcendental madness. Krishna is there. But where?

Monday, May 6, 2013


     In our recent Temple of the Heart sanga we were reading and discussing Lord Chaitanya's pastimes from the Chaitanya Charitamrta, Antya-lila chapter 14.  Upon reading the account of the woman who stood on the Lord's shoulder near the Garuda column in order to better see the Deity of Lord Jagannatha in the temple the value of eagerness to find Lord Krishna became apparent. 

     Seeing the woman's eagerness, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu said, "Lord Jagannātha has not bestowed so much eagerness upon Me.
     She has fully absorbed her body, mind and life in Lord Jagannātha. Therefore she was unaware that she was putting her foot on My shoulder.
     Alas! How fortunate this woman is! I pray at her feet that she favor Me with her great eagerness to see Lord Jagannātha."

     Govinda, the Lord's personal attendant seeing the woman as a disturbance to the Lord made her get down and was chastised by the Lord. 

     Gaurahari prabhu extracted the essence of the pastime by emphasizing how eagerness to go to Krishna is so valuable in devotional service that the Lord Himself welcomes it even if it seems to be a disturbance or even an offense by regulatory standards. 

     This is the main point.. 

     As is my habit, I strayed a bit from the main point and began to consider the value of tolerance. How tolerant the Lord is. That even if there is some inconvenience to Him He does not see it as disturbing if it is because the devotee is trying to find Him. 

     Reminded of Siksastaka: 

     "One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly"..

     Lord Brahma, the secondary creator of the universe, prays for a position that will allow him to be immersed continually in tolerance:

     "My dear Lord, I am therefore not interested in either material opulences or liberation. I am most humbly praying at Your lotus feet for You to please give me any sort of birth within this Vṛndāvana forest so that I may be able to be favored by the dust of the feet of some of the devotees of Vṛndāvana. If I am given the chance to grow just as the humble grass in this land, that will be a glorious birth for me. But if I am not so fortunate to take birth within the forest of Vṛndāvana, I beg to be allowed to take birth outside the immediate area of Vṛndāvana so that when the devotees go out they will walk over me. Even that would be a great fortune for me. I am just aspiring for a birth in which I will be smeared by the dust of the devotees' feet.

So how do tolerance and eagerness fit together in devotional service? There is no need for any separate endeavor to tolerate. If the so-called offender is eager to find Krishna and the so-called offended is also eager to find Krishna then there is no offense. If there is eagerness in the mood of devotional service tolerance is automatically there. Tolerance acts to enhance the loving mood. There is nothing to forgive. Only a mood of well-wishing prevails. 

Perhaps in the light of this, we can better appreciate Srila Prabhupada's repeated and continued use of the sign off, Your ever well-wisher...

Sunday, May 5, 2013


     In our Temple of the Heart sangas as we invoke the loving spirit of Devotional Service to the Lord with sincerity the Lord will reciprocate by appearing there among us. It is His desire to   appear wherever devotees are assembled to receive Him.
     Our challenge in order to become free from the illusions of the coverings of His temporary material energy, is to be able to recognize Him when He does appear.
     Because His energies are unlimitedly variegated He may appear in a multiplicity of manifestations all at the same time, or in other words differently in each of the assembled devotees. Each devotee in the assembly will carry the spirit of Devotion in their heart uniquely, just as uniquely as their unique personal relationship to the Lord is.
     Someone in the assembly may manifest Love of God in a way that is unfamiliar to the other members. At this point there can be expected to find some resistance and some testing of the spirit. Even the person manifesting this unique mood of love of God may not be sure if it is actually in the spirit of Love.
     Chanting, praying, meditating, personal introspection and seeking answers from the Lord in the heart helps to reveal the actual nature of this new manifestation.
     This is revealed knowledge, the answers are not found in books, or rules and regulations, guiding authorities etc. since this spirit is unique to the individual, the individual is forced to take personal responsibility in a unique personal relationship with the Lord.
     If it is in fact a manifestation of the Devotional energy of the Lord coming through the devotee all doubts will be eradicated and the tests will be passed in the association of the other devotees who are on the same path of bhakti.
     Such association is very wonderful and not easily found at the present time.
     Jaya Radhe  Jaya Krishna  Jaya Vrndavan


     My childhood was a very ecstatic time. Our neighborhood in the suburbs of Boston, in the early fifties just after WWII was on the edge a large wooded area complete with streams, sand dunes, and a large reservoir of water, an abandoned cranberry bog (perfect for ice skating in winter), wildflowers, blueberries, a lookout rock high on a hill and small animals and birds galore. 
     I was part of a group of children who came from the other families that would play and frolic in this idyllic place. From about 6 years old to 12 we were together constantly running, jumping, wrestling, laughing, making up our own games, finding "jumping trees" (trees who's branches would swing down to the ground and then spring back up with one of us hanging on for the ride), Sometimes we made believe we were horses running and whinnying, sometimes we took sides for cops and robbers, we played sports, baseball, football and rode our bicycles miles and miles each day.
    There was no consideration of time or place, only the joy of playing. No social or political considerations. No worries about money or what would people think. We didn't care. We were totally intoxicated in each other's association. We knew what the other was thinking without them having to say anything. It was such great fun. I couldn't imagine this ever ending.
     I couldn't really share with my father, mother or brother what I was experiencing during the day with my friends  At home the mood was completely different. Everything was very clean, neat and in order. It was as if there were a script and I could only speak or act according to predetermined guidelines with very sharp disapproval if I strayed from those boundaries. I really only came home to eat and sleep. I was gone from early morning until dark. My parents would often show disapproval for my associating with these children, but evidently they had nothing else for association to offer me at the time and they certainly couldn't expect me to just sit in the house all day. 
     Outside forces began to appear, my body was changing. No longer a nonsexual being, to a young woman was very bewildering. How to continue with the ecstasy of childhood with this body which was very different and seemed foreign to me.
     At the same time, my parents along with the other Jewish families built a large Jewish synagogue at the end of our street. On Saturday morning my family would dress up and parade to the Temple past the houses of my friends.
     My play friends were all Catholic. I used to go with them for confession on Saturday before the big Jewish temple was built. Of course I didn't go into the booth, but I would sit in the pews and wait for them. I was curious what it was and asked one time, "What do you confess?"
     My friend said, "My sins."
     I asked, "What sins?"
     She said, "Things like, I used a bad word, or I was mean to my brother."
     For a Jew there was never any mention of sin.
     I was hearing more and more now about how the neighbors were not like us. They were Goya not to be brought into friendships. Respected but slightly mocked as somehow less. And I imagine my friends were also hearing negative things about the Jews and their big temple ruining the neighborhood.
     One day my friends surrounded me and beat me. They seemed to hate me so much they could kill me. It was a great shock. And a rude awakening. Where did the blissful loving spontaneous joy of childhood go?
     I know such joy exists because I experienced it. Why was I separated from it and forced into situations where people who previously loved each other now hated each other, focused on differences based on religion, on the body?
     What is the problem? How could I ever be happy if I didn't find the answer and the path back to Shangri-La.

Saturday, May 4, 2013



A little light goes a long way in a dark place. I have not gone out to chant in public for a few weeks but I can see the effects of what little public chanting I was able to do.
Just before beginning the chanting yajna one day I had to go to the bank. I had the mrdunga drum with me and must have looked unusual as my clothing was very colorful and I was no doubt beaming and radiating just from the shear ecstasy of thinking that I would be chanting in a few minutes.
Evidently this attracted the attention of others, but one young woman in particular who is a teller. She immediately began asking me question from behind the bank window cage. Disregard for time and place, amazing especially in an environment so restrictive as a bank, took hold and we were engaged in topics of transcendence. She is searching for a spiritual path. She is longing for Truth. I shared with her what I could in the brief few minutes that Maya devi allowed us the freedom to communicate devotionally and gave her the YouTube link to Gaurahari prabhu's Temple of the Heart online sangas.
The next time I went to the bank she made sure to wait on me from behind the window cage. We again lost track of time and place and discussed a bit more about the goal of life. She and her friends had viewed the YouTube sanga.
Each time I go to the bank we are communicating more about the these topics.
At the super market also, the employees remember the day I chanted with mrdunga outside the entrance. They smile and greet me.
We shall see how the spirit of love and devotion for the Lord guides us.
The Lord's devotional potency is supremely potent, just as He is supremely potent. One pure drop of Love of God can drown the entire world in Love of God.
Our only mission is to become pure enough to purely serve that drop of love and devotion.
This is the measure of success and nothing else.
Jaya Radhe

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Transcribing Gaurahari prabhu's discussions on Radha Sahasra Nam, from the Narada Pancharata, translated by Bhaktivinoda Thakura. There are several sessions of these discussions. Transcribing them is really great. At first it was difficult for me to do it. But now the assignment is helping to regulate my day and activities. Instead of sitting down and trying to do as much as I can all in one sitting, which I see now is a little bit mode of passion-results oriented-to finish, I am transcribing in intervals interspersed with bhajans, reading from other books by the acaryas  meditating, chanting japa, etc. Other devotional practices, but the central focus is the transcribing. So it is very nice to have my day ordered like that. Not exactly regimented but more or less spontaneously arranging itself around the glorification of Srimati Radharani as heard from an elevated godbrother. Very nice. Who could ask for anything more? Really!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Reciting verses for purification is only a partial realization.
Ultimately, reciting verses from scriptures is to enhance the mood of the Lord, for His pleasure as we see in the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya. If we want to truly understand the Lord we can gain the topmost understanding of the Lord through studying the pastimes of Sri Krishna Chaitanya.
That is the perfection of study.
By such study we revive our awareness of the ever present Personality of Godhead even while in this temporary material arrangement for activity.
Such awareness reinforced by hearing and discussing the Lord  in the association of sincere devotees who are not approaching the Lord for anything other than to perceive His form of bliss, opens the door to Love of God and the passage back to Godhead.
Hearing and chanting like this is the single-most, topmost, highest, most confidential act of devotion for the conditioned soul, in that whatever material conditioning may be there becomes completely dissolved. All other practices aim to bring one to this point.
Relishing the past-times of the Lord.
Lord Chaitanya's sankirtan movement is meant for these purposes.