Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Reading and recording Krishna Book this morning I came across the section in Vol 1 chapter 26 where Narada meets with Lord Krishna in a solitary place. After Krishna kills Kesi and before He kills Vyomasura there is this private meeting.
First Narada offers beautiful prayers of glorification for the Supreme Personality of Godhead...His mastery over everything and source of all creations, material and spiritual. Then he tells the Lord how he is looking forward in great ecstasy to seeing the Lord's pastimes in Dvarka, Mathura and on the battle field of Kuruksetra.
From this we know that the lord's pastimes are eternal. They are always going on somewhere. Here Narada understands that he will be going to the place where the pastimes are manifest which happened to be here on the planet 5000 years ago. The pastimes are going on somewhere else now and we are talking about them. But Narada was understanding that very shortly he would be personally perceiving them manifest.
We are being prepared to go to the place where the pastimes are manifest in the material world for further preparation for returning to the spiritual planets. We are not going anywhere by mechanical means. These are entirely matters of consciousness. Krishna consciousness.


Kamsa requests Akrura to bring Krishna and Balarama to the wrestling match. He tells Akrura all his plans...to kill Them, to kill this one, that and the other one, too.. so no more competition...
Akrura replies, "My dear King, your plan is very excellently made to counteract the hindrances to your diplomatic activities. But you should maintain some discretion, or your plans will not be fruitful. After all, man proposes, God disposes. We may make very great plans, but unless they are sanctioned by the supreme authority, they will fail. Everyone in this material world knows that the supernatural power is the ultimate disposer of everything. One may make a very great plan with his fertile brain, but he must know that he will become subjected to the fruits, misery and happiness."
The same can be said for those who take on any role of leadership or responsibility for others. If the plan is not sanctioned by the Supreme Authority it will fail.


During the mating season the peacocks and other creatures become very noisy. Especially the peacocks. Very loud and there a lot of them here. Last count 400. You have to hear it. You cannot imagine the noise. Even at night they can start in. They become startled very easily. If I have the window open and sneeze, they are off and running for 20 minutes. So recording becomes very very difficult. So I took a break. But now everyone is simmering down. The next generation is on the way and the male peacocks are shedding their beautiful feathers.

I have just been cleaning up recordings that I had already on file. Finished the Mahabharata.Today was the first day in a month I began reading and recording again. I want to record the entire two volume Krishna Book. Jaya Srila Prabhupada.

It is not that I have not read Krishna Book before. But by going over every word, hearing as intensely as possible every word... I am able to experience something that I do not experience anywhere else.
Hare Krishna..


The squirrel and the peahen.
Must have been a territorial thing?
Or maybe the squirrel was just "monkeying" around.
Or maybe something else was going on...
Every time the peahen tried to settle in to the soft spot next to Tulsi's garden that she had scooped out behind the ferns the squirrel dive bombed her from a nearby shrub.
It was a real stand off.
The squirrel was not going to let her get comfortable in her new nest.
Jumping on top of her from the branches of the shrub and then running away before she could peck her attacker with her sharp beak. She became very upset. And expanded her feathers into fighting mode. Puffing up her neck and strutting ready to strike. But to no avail.
Determined stance for combat...eyes locked in unblinking stare. Then the dive bomb. Maybe ten times.
Finally she was forced to abandon her new nest and head for the neighbor's yard.
The winner... the squirrel.
It's funny, she is the peahen who has been a problem lately in Tulsi's garden....jumping the fence and causing a lot of damage.
How did the squirrel know to chase Her away?
Was an ancient ancestor involved in making a bridge to Lanka?


This is a perfect illustration of why Srila Vyasadeva was despondent after completing the Mahabharata.
As a last test, Yudhishthira was taken to what appeared to be a hellish planet to see his brothers and family members in torment. Duryodhana on the other hand was enjoying royal opulence on the planet of the kshatriyas.
Yudhishthira was informed he could also go to the planet of the kshatriyas. He didn't have to join his family members in hell. Yudhishthira however refused the offer and chose to stay and suffer along with those who had gone through so many hardships for him in his previous life. It was an illusion. They were not suffering in Hell. It was test for Yudhisthira.
But this is very interesting. Srila Vyasadeva revealed so many noble and exalted characteristics in the presentation of Mahabharata and great stories to illustrate the path of higher human existence.
But... he did not directly glorify the path of devotional service to the Supreme Lord.
The Pandavas and their family members are pure devotees of the Lord and at the time of death there is no mention of Krishna at all. At the passing away of Bhismadeva we see Bhismadeva fixed in meditation on Lord Krishna...but not the Pandavas. Instead they are simply attached to each other.
Of course we know from the teachings of the acaryas that to think of the pure devotee is as good as... if not better than... thinking of Krishna. But this is not brought out in the Mahabharata. The Pandavas attachment to each other looks mundane.
This is why Srila Vyasadeva was morose. This is why he was instructed by His spiritual master Narada muni to present the Srimad Bhagavatam. In order to perfectly illuminate the path of pure devotion and the ultimate goal of life, Lord Sri Krishna, beyond a shadow of doubt.


Everything goes better
with a good nights sleep.
The world of stress and decisions
of gain and loss
of victory and defeat 
of attraction and repulsion disappears.
In the dream world where anything is possible
I may feel fear but no one can hurt me.
Dreaming I am alone no one else is there
just shadows and forms with no substance
all is dark to vision
but visible to the mind.
The day body dies every night.
And is born again in the morning with the rising sun.
One night sometime soon
the day body will die
and I will wake in a new morning
with the Krishna sun
in the spiritual sky.


The puppet show...
Conditioned jiva is a puppet
The three modes of nature pulling the strings..
The puppet dances. Appears to have life.
But is totally controlled from outside forces.
Surrender to the spiritual master... who then becomes the puppet master.
Still guided externally... to dance... to act and perform
but the expert puppet master spiritual master directs according to
Krishna's personal direction.
Krishna is there within the puppet body jiva.
Surrendering to the spiritual master puppet master means
reviving the connection with Krishna within.
The puppet then consults more and more with Krishna within.
The puppet is not a puppet anymore.
The puppet is now alive.
In relationship with Krishna from within.


There is so much magic everywhere.
Why is everyone fighting and arguing?
And destroying everything?
The gurukulas will be successful when there are actual communities.
Just like cow protection.
Cow protection will be successful when individuals,....
not organizations.... take responsibility for the service within a community setting.
Organizations may be there to offer support but there is the saying
'It takes a village to raise a child..."
Just keeping the same old way of living will not do it.
Go the office job 9-5, and Sunday feast.
That is entry level.
But if there is to be civilized Krishna conscious life
there must be villages and actual communities.
Which automatically means cow protection, safe schools, care for the elderly, goods and services.
The sankirtan army is something else.

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Idolize definition: to regard with blind adoration, devotion.
We have a tendency to idolize.
The child's first idols are the parents.
We are always looking for someone to emulate...someone who is successful and then try to follow them so we can become successful too. Who is happy so we can become happy too.
And for spiritual life...someone who has real knowledge so we can have real knowledge too.
And if we are really, really fortunate... someone who is Krishna conscious so we can become Krishna conscious too.
That is the spiritual master.
So we have to be very careful who we Idolize.
The relationship with the spiritual master is not simply a transference of data. The big computer downloading into the small computer... as we are accustomed to think of knowledge as data.
The idolizing does not go away. This is the attraction. Why we approach someone rather than someone else. We admire them, respect them, trust them, and want what they have to offer.
We idolize them.
If the object of idolization is a pure devotee of Krishna then our attachment or idolization becomes purified and everything is transferred to Krishna the ultimate object of devotion. If the object of idolization is not pure or not purely representing than we will be stuck. Our access to transcendence will be blocked and the idolization will keep us focused on them, the false idol.
The idolizing will not go away. It has to be purified by choosing the pure idol.
There may be many dolls and statues... but there is only one arca vigraha...in a varieties of forms
There may be many teachers but there is only one spiritual master.... in a variety of representatives.
There may be many food preparations but there is only one sanctified food...prasadam in a variety of flavors and taste.
This is oneness.


Recently I posted a comment on a Krishna West devotee's Facebook page.
It was a response to another comment.
The comment I was commenting on was something like this.
Devotee comment: No devotees helped me. I was reading Srila Prabhupada's books and began chanting and offering my food.
No one helped me. I figured it out myself.
My replied: But you cannot say "no one" helped you. Srila Prabhupada is the greatest devotee. He helped you.
The Krishna West devotee deleted the comment and messaged me that I shouldn't post like that on his page. Then evidently in a fit of consternation blocked me. The tone of my reply may have seemed a little harsh, perhaps I could have presented more gently but I tend to be straightforward and even blunt. It was his page and he was developing a mood and tone.The tone of my comment may have upset the devotee. Nevertheless....
I got a glimpse of something....
That is why I say... what is coming out of Hridyananda's preaching platform is impersonal. It may just be this particular devotee who is assimilating the teachings in Krishna West in this way but I tend to think it is a subtle thread that is running through the effort.
The sannyasi who isn't a sannyasi. The guru who isn't a guru. The personality of Godhead who isn't a personality.

Meena Devi Dasi's photo.


I'm intolerant. When someone attacks I just leave. I don't even try to communicate. They want to argue and spill all poisonous, noxious stuff everywhere and throw a big tantrum. They try to provoke me with foul language mixed in with Krishna consciousness and call me all sorts of names. And I don't even know them. I had one do that just recently on Google+ which I realized I don't ever use so I just deleted the entire account.
This man is yelling foul obscenities at me. How I am not serving Srila Prabhupada I am not absorbed in exposing sex scandals and child abuse to save ISKCON, blah blah blah. How I am a sheep. A blind follower and a bunch of other things...much worse...
Excuse me. What happened to mother?
This would happen occasionally on book distribution at the airport. I would be talking with someone to engage them in the service of accepting a book and giving a donation and someone would come up to us and start hurling abuse. This is of the devil, this is a lie, they just want your money... yada yada yada. The atmosphere would become contaminated with nastiness and the person would just want to leave..
One time I became so angry that a man was following me around and doing this to everyone I stopped to talk to that I dumped an entire basket of peppermint candy prasadam over his head. Amazingly hundreds of hands immediately appeared to gather all the candies and put them back in the basket. People left their seats to crawl around on the airport floor and pick up the mints. The basket was on the floor and they were all crawling around on the floor putting the mints in the basket. It was amazing.
The trouble maker left.


I think of the process of freeing up in stages. Like water that is blocked or dammed in certain ways. At first it is moving slowly, a little bit of something is freed... But then the water can flow a little faster and the force of that frees up a little something else. Then it moves even faster and with more force and a big chunk of something or other gets swept away, flushed out, till eventually the water is flowing very fast and even the really big pieces cannot remain.
If the blockages (attachments/bad/habits) are not maintained although the desire may still be lingering, then they are more easily washed away. This is the washing effect of the Mahamantra. Been through it with a number of specific unwanted blockages... So grow more and more hopeful everyday... washed clean eventually.

Meena Devi Dasi's photo.


The impersonalists are searching for knowledge as if knowledge were a "what you know." With emphasis on "you" doing the knowing and what is to be known is a "what."
But even in practical daily life we see that it is "who you know" that takes precedence over "what you know."
One impersonalist has argued that there is no Personality of Godhead. That it is a projection of the mind. We see what we want to see. Just like we do with everything. And as proof he cites how followers of Buddha see Buddha, followers of Jesus see Jesus, followers of Krishna see Krishna. That they are simply seeing what they want to see but there really isn't anything there.
Which is very funny actually.
Krishna explains, He can be seen only by devotional service. Someone following a particular set of teachings will be brought into the presence of that particular form of Godhead. Someone practicing Buddhism will brought into the presence of Buddha, some practicing the teaching of Jesus will brought into the presence of Jesus and someone practicing Krishna consciousness will be brought to Krishna. Very funny that they cannot understand that.
If I buy a ticket to Delhi I go to Delhi
The impersonalist has no perception of spiritual forms or activities.


This "thinking" my way to the truth is problematic. 
Because it is done from the platform of "I am the center." 
There is no one greater than myself. 
So right from the start this process of "thinking my way to the truth" 
is plagued with illusion. 
The mind... "Only listen to me... I will give you want you want."
The desire to be God.


How dangerous is it to try to rearrange the words already approved by the Pure Devotee in His books?
We can only say fools rush in.
Actually they should have their hands cut off.
Here is a ludicrous example of what can happen.
This is hypothetical... it is not a documented book change, as of yet, but it illustrates what can happen. 
How an entirely different meaning can be screwed out by word jugglery.
From the preface to Krishna Book.
Srila Prabhupada has written..
"... there is no meaning to the word Godhead."
You can find this in the preface. He has indeed written that.
However the full sentence reads...
"Outside the principle of all-attraction, there is no meaning to the word Godhead."
"Ridiculous!" you say, "That this kind of thing would ever happen."
Perhaps a more careful study of the profound effects of the impersonal interpretations of the writings of Srila Vyasadeva as given by Sankara Acharya would be a good idea.


Oh Tulsi devi, Oh Tulsi devi, Oh Tulsi devi...
You tolerate the lizard's service.
Last year... the neighbor's dog...
so much barking at me.. No way to make friends.
Just his nature... a small dog. Hyper.
Such a disturbance.

I would go into Your garden, Maharani, and
he would bark and bark and bark.
I wanted to do something to stop the noise.
I tried a dog silencer hidden in the tree.
It didn't work. The peacocks would set it off
The dog was only confused.

How to stop the barking? So frustrating.
Angry and thinking so many nasty things.
Then I understood....
When the dog's barking became too much
the neighbor would come out to call him in.
From the neighbor's back door there is a view of Tulsi devi's garden.
The dog was calling the neighbor to have darshan of Tulsi devi.
I am so slow to learn.


More realizations from the "gardeners" episode.
I stopped one in the driveway. I had put signs "sin sevicio", "No service"
but he was determined to step over the signs.
I stopped him. But he was pushing me aside, "Boss say! Boss say!"
He was frantic actually.
This is the problem.
His boss gives him the pay check.
But where is the boss getting the money for the pay check?
He is getting it from me.
So in this case I am the big boss.
But this ignorant worker does not recognize anything beyond the man who hands him the paycheck.
Everything is meant for serving Krishna,
Krishna is the big boss.
But we do not recognize anything beyond the demigods or the scientists or whoever is supplying our immediate necessities.

Meena Devi Dasi's photo.


Hiranyakasipu has become furious over his son's devotion to Lord Vishnu. He is trying to kill Prahlada in different ways. Having him thrown off a cliff is one of the ways. Prahlada just kept chanting Hare Krishna and landed safely. Lord Vishnu personally appeared to catch him. I guess this is a type of "falling in love." When we are in a really, really helpless situation we tend to call out more sincerely.

Meena Devi Dasi's photo.


The "gardener"problem. An exercise in transcendence.
Lots of nice realizations.
Someone might say, "How petty and what a waste of time. There are big important things to be done to spread Krishna consciousness and you are worried about gardeners."
Might reply is, " I am not big and important. I am very small. I have no say or field of activity in "big and important" things. My field of activity is very small. But I am responsible to try to manage within that field as best I can in Krishna consciousness."
What I am seeing with a deeper perspective is that there are different planes of consciousness clashing. Tulsi devi is here. The "gardeners"have no idea at all anything about the transcendental position of Tulsi devi. That is very worrisome.
I am trying to grow edible plants and trees with fruit. This community has no attraction for anything like this. Shiny cars, manicures and poodles. that's it. The gardening service they have hired is made up of day laborers. Same-day pay. Work a day get paid for that day. They are very ignorant and work like prisoners on a chain gang. It is never the same people. Even the job bosses are always different. So there is no way for the company to control them.
Signs, "KEEP OUT"... are useless. they can't read. It's a nightmare.
They spray herbicides on the aloe vera and pineapple patch. Ring the avocado trees with the string trimmer. Blow mulch out of the flower beds and blow the ground cover and small plants right out of the ground.
And there is nothing I can do to stop them!
Krishna. You know this isn't right. You have given me this property to manage. Which means the plants and small animals taking shelter here. What do you want me to do?
At first my anger was boiling into a rage, especially after talking with the secretary at the gardening company. She fooled me the first time by acting as if she took my complaint seriously and was actually going to do something to keep them out. But I saw through that when I called back the next time because absolutely nothing had been done to stop them. She was laughing supposedly with me but she is getting so many calls like this and knows they can do nothing because of their business model... hiring unskilled untrained day laborers. Which is probably the industry standard here. Trying to placate me she is sounding like my call is very important and I may even be one of the very few people who is complaining. She is going to talk the president of the company and he will call me personally.
Oh please. There is nothing she can do, nothing her company can do, nothing the president of their company can do and there is nothing I can do due to their business model and the invasion of walking dead continues.
No sleep last night. Krishna. What is the solution? About 2 am Krishna said, " How about an electric fence?" I researched it and found that I could put up a make believe electric fence. Thinking of it I got some relief. Just picturing one of the zombies touching an electric fence gave me a kind of morbid pleasure. And I was getting ready to put the plan into action. But somehow I don't think even a live electric wire would stop them. They would scoot underneath or hop over. They are so determined, I wish I had that same determination for serving Krishna.
Then in sheer helplessness, (I realized that Krishna had been joking with me about the electric fence) I thought of Draupadi. Yes, why not yards and yards of material draped all around the vulnerable areas. The aloe patch, the ground cover just starting to take root, the blooming gardenia bush and all across the walkway so they couldn't enter that way. I have yards and yards of $1/yd material left over from a privacy curtain I had to make when my father was in the house. The Draupadi protection plan.
No. Wait... There is some plastic green fencing 4' high from Tulsi devi's old garden. Yes. That's it!!!!
Fence off the vulnerable areas. They will still come onto the property but have no access to the fenced off areas. and I don't have to be here all day standing guard. But it has to be fenced very tightly. Like mice they will flatten their bodies and squeeze through even a tiny opening.
I have some signs also. Some of them must be able to read at least... "KEEP OUT, EXCLUIR, RESTER DEHORS"
The dynamic is interesting. In order for me to be able to access higher consciousness I cannot simply react like an animal. And yet I have to protect the property.
So many possible solutions have been spinning through my mind. In complete distress. But none of them were acceptable unless I wanted to spend the rest of my life in prison.
I could see this is the challenge for the devotee. How to deal with the lower modes while not losing footing in Krishna consciousness. It is two different planes of existence and when they meet there is a clash.
I will see how the plan works or fails in a few days when a whole new crew arrives to do their service.